Monday, December 17, 2007

Your Opinion Counts

I'm working on a more professional look for the blog. Tell me what you think of the new banner!


Theresa's Notes said...

I like the new banner.

David said...

Thank you! I just got Adobe CS3 and was playing with Illustrator yesterday. The banner was the end result. It is by no means a finished product, but rather a prototype. Be looking for more changes!

Katy-Anne Binstead said...

If you are going to keep that banner it needs a black background or something...there is something it is missing and I can't put my finger on it.

David said...

Hmmm... I kind of thought the minimalist concept was cool. Actually, I'm probably going to go with a completely different concept.

Nicholas Z. Cardot said...

I've been using CS3 since it came out. It is really nice! How do you like it so far? Have you used other photoshops or is this your first? Anyways, the banner looks great!

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