Saturday, December 8, 2007

Link Love

Would you like to be added to my blogroll? I would be happy to add your link if you add mine on your blog. Simply comment on this post with your link. Thanks!


David said...

If you would like to swap links, post your URL here. Thanks!

fundamentalistwives said...

yep, just tagged yours!
Lovely blog :-) I am addicted reading it.
God bless,

Geek Wife

David said...

Geek Wife,

Great name! I'm glad you like the blog. Keep checking back as I plan to add a lot more features!

Sis. Julie said...

I love what you are doing. It is obvious you are putting a lot of time and effort into your blog and all that you are adding. I haven't been by lately because I've been out of state taking care of my sick sister-in-law. I was gone for a week and a half and just got home last night. Sorry I haven't been by lately.

David said...


Thanks! I have big plans for this blog. I want to build a website around it and add resources for download. I'm even researching what it would take to add an e-commerce website and sell "Young Fundamentalists" bible covers, ties, coffee mugs, t-shirts, etc. Should be fun!

Bob Hayton said...

I finally added your blog to my reciprocal links on my blog, per your comment back in November.

Again, my blog is Fundamentally Reformed.


Bob Hayton

David said...

Thanks Bob! I always welcome reciprocal links, even from reformed doctrine believers ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm adding your link now.

David said...

Thanks Nick! I'm always happy to reform the reformers! I've added you to our list.

Nomad said...

My pleasure to share and change links

JTR said... Are you still using this blog? Plz let me know - Jessica

Anonymous said...

Please link my blog and I will link yours. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi please add me to your blogroll and I will add you to mine...

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