Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Street Preacher's Home Page

Check out The Street Preacher's Home Page! Lots of good stuff including a book called the Street Preacher's Manual! Here's an excerpt from this website:

"Street preaching" is an ancient practice going back to the prophets of the Old Testament. In the New Testament, our Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed his glorious message in the "open-air," speaking plainly to the common man. The Book of Acts records the early Church obeying the command of the Saviour to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. Church History reveals that our forefathers brought the glad tidings of the Gospel to those outside their church buildings. We seek to carry on this biblical practice in these last days.

Really motivating! I'll give $5.00 to the first person who gets punched in the nose because they were street preaching!


Pam--in America said...

Sounds good.....there needs to be more street preaching in our country. My pastor in South Carolina got put in jail for a while for street preaching! But he would tell you himself; it was all worth it.

Sis. Julie said...

Amen!! I know there needs to be more street-preaching in our nation. I know of a few that go out and do so but they do it without showing compassion. There is a need for this kind of preaching...but with compassion and not hatred. We'll never win them being hateful. Thank God for street-preaching that is effective!!

Theresa's Notes said...

sorry brother, but to get punched in the nose for street preaching, is worth more than five dollars.

Think about that one, I don't mean money.

The Good Reporters said...

Our church has started a street preaching ministry on Fridays. Lord willing, I plan on helping them. It sounds interesting.

David said...

I love street preaching, even though everytime it comes up I get a little nervous and wish we weren't going. I think that's just the devil trying to discourage me. It is a means of getting the gospel to people who would otherwise never hear it, and the devil hates that. I think that's all the more reason to continue...

Dave said...


Some men from my church and me are going out this weekend to a run and hold some signs, banners, and one of the men are going to do some street Preaching.


Dave said...

Has you been to the Beale Street Preaching Blast in May in TN? I never been, but I might go next year.


David said...

I've never been dave, but I'd like to know how it goes!

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