Friday, February 8, 2008

Bible College - Distance Learning

Bible college is a great place to learn more about the Bible and Christianity as well as pick up some important skills. Unfortunately, if you are older than most of the teens that attend it can be challenging to uproot your family and move close to the Bible college of your choice, find a job that can support you and your dependents (wife, kids, that buddy from high school that won't leave your couch). Now you don't have to. Landmark Baptist College has a distance learning program that my Father-in-Law is going through where they send you the lectures and coursework through the mail. If you are interested, visit Landmark Baptist College's website for more info. Don't let your responsibilities get in the way of your education.


Jennifer said...

Hey, came across your blog and enjoyed reading it..

David said...

Thanks Jennifer! I appreciate the comment!

Anonymous said...

Cool Banner, Bro, Scott.

JONATHAN said...

I just came by to say hi, I'm the second born son of "A note from Theresa" You can find a link to our blog from her blog. I'll sure look forward to any future posts you have.

"Jehova has given"

David said...

Thanks Jordan, I'm testing it out. Bro Frank said the smaller version was liberal, so I put a larger one up. :)

David said...

Mac Children 4,

Thanks for dropping by!

Dave said...

Bro. Scott,

I start a forum few weeks and not I or anyone else can not post in every form, but 2-3form I/ anyone can post. I hope you can help. This the link

David said...

I don't think I will be of any help. I never did get my own forum to work. I'm thinking of trying a different forum service (like the one that the Fighting Fundamental Forums use). Maybe it will be easier. Have fun!

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